
What is wrong with Stackoverflow mods and so called seasoned users? Why is everyone in such a rush to close questions and point you to other questions which has no relevance.

Once they do this, is just over. Explaining why they are wrong makes no diff. And you can't just repost. The question is just dead.

Genuinely think they should just burn in hell. Sick a holes. If you're not interested in answering or helping at least stay out of people's business.

  • 5
    It’s an elitist jedi council
  • 5
    Because low quality questions ruin the platform. It's just a welcome side-effect if strict moderation makes people quit who can't see that and who instead think SO is about helping them personally. These are better off with Quora.
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop no, no one is better off with Quora. Unless you like creating accounts and installing apps for no good reason
  • 1
    @fas@Fast-Nop Low quality question is subjective. I can understand if the question is like 'hey solve this for me'. Sure that's not acceptable. But if the question shows the issue, shows effort and someone needs the answer, one don't need to help. The mods and engineers don't owe that person anything. But same time don't be someone that's rushing to close or point to irrelevant answers. No need to help, same time don't be a nuisance. People ask in SO cos that's where the expertise lies, not Quora.
  • 3
    @keshk I think you totally misunderstand the whole point of SO. SO is not primarily about helping the specific person who is asking. Actually, that is the least relevant person. SO is not a helpdesk.

    SO is first and foremost meant for other people who will arrive at that question via Google, and if the question is in a way that it wouldn't be useful to them, then it doesn't belong on SO because it pollutes the platform.

    Let's be honest: in particular for noobs, there is nothing that they might even want to ask on SO because everything is already there. They have to learn how to use Google properly.

    That's why I brought Quora where the focus is different, like in forums or so.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop never thought of it that way but it makes sense. Questions that are original and relate to issues others would have and would want solutions to are allowed in.
  • 2
    The best is when someone comments to google the answer to some question, and you arrived at the question because it was the top result on Google. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    Everything has already been asked, learn to Google, If you want sympathy, post the link to your question so that we can decide.
  • 0
    I asked like 10 questions on SO and never got that behaviour out of a mod or user.

    I got great help with every single one of them.

    Maybe your question was really not that good.
  • 1
    @theabbie LOL keep your sympathy. Sounds like one of the douches from SO spilled over here
  • 2
    @keshk You are the kind of person to bother others by asking stupid questions when answer is right in front of you. Every post whining about SO is stupid as the person doesn't know how to ask, where to ask, and whether to ask at all. You deserve that.
  • 2
    You have already cried about this before,


    What kind of technology are you working on which requires constantly asking on SO?

    SO is a reference book, There is no way your question hasn't been asked already.
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