
How to set up first app by using angular cli.. On windows I tried but it not executed proper...

  • 8
    This is devRant. devRant is for rants and stories. What you want to use is Google, which is a search engine.
  • 1
    Let me google that for you:
  • 6
    Try writing every second letter as uppercase:

    nOdE --vErSiOn
  • 5
    You guys be shitting on StackOverflow for toxicity but can't even take half a second to help a newcomer. He even correctly tagged this as a question. Shame on you.

    @anah you'll want to check the npm help pages: npm -h. Reading a bit you'll see the correct command for installing packages, which is install. The -g paramter tells npm to install globally, as-in, not project specific. Using this the packages commands will be available everywhere on your command line. So the correct command would be npm install -g @angular/cli.

    For project dependencies you'll want to install project specific, for that you'll need to setup the npm project in the folder. Do this using npm init and follow the on screen steps. Make sure you're in your project root (folder) for future npm commands.

    Have fun :)
  • 1
    ng new your-project
    cd your-project
    ng serve
  • 1
    @Kimmax Sorry but I have to disagree. Angular has a great documentation that explains all the necessary steps. He just didn't bother looking for it himself.
    @anah https://angular.io/guide/...
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    @Kimmax thank you
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    @cabbybaby thank you
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    @Marl3x thanks
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