
Just had an old coworker from a previous job send me some stuff for a php script he was having issues with.

There was too much glory in what he was trying to do: mixing php inside of jquery code, not using strict types would have prevented like 10 issues he was having on his script on another portion, mixing headers, weirdly named variables, poorly constructed, reused db connections, 0 oop or proper dependency management in his code, horrible use of sessions and cookies, O (n²) logic all over the place.

But the cake.....are y'all ready for it? It was code screenshots, not even of just the section, no, the full page, from a windows machine (to make it better he is hosting the application on an IIS server and his configuration was not properly set) but I digress, back to the cake:

He was writing his code inside of wordpad :P


I just politely told him that I was busy at the moment and happily ignored him. Dude is not a good person to begin with imo, for example, he brought the subject of homosexuality during one of our talks after he saw me talking to my bf, who just so happens to be gay, his statement was "I do not understand how there can be gay people when there are women that are so hot"

My comeback was "I do not understand how we can be heterosexual when there are some really attractive dudes out there, see how stupid your logic sounds? attractiveness is not the basis for homosexuality ye dipstick" he let it go after that, but close minded people like that are not really my cup of tea.

  • 4
    Holy shit, it’s like he’s trying to do everything a developer SHOULD NOT DO! That even includes poor communication and people skills. Guy is trash the whole nine yards
  • 5
    @d-fanelli legit this dude represents everything from a shitty person all the way to the reason why other devs hate php and php devs
  • 3
    @AleCx04 lol. No wonder he’s gone from your company, I assume he was sacked for all the above?
  • 4
    @d-fanelli lol no, I am the one that left :P i think he left them as well. It was not a bad place to work at really, boss was cool, this dude left because our previous boss (the owner of the company) would not let him...... wait for it...... build our desktop apps in Visual FoxPro

  • 3
    @AleCx04 lol never heard of visual fox pro but I doubt I’m missing anything after looking it up..”Visual FoxPro was a Microsoft data-centric procedural programming language that subsequently became object-oriented. It was derived from FoxPro which was developed by Fox Software beginning in 1984.” Lol guy must be one of those rigid ain’t gonna learn them dang ol kids stuff type
  • 3
    @d-fanelli he was, the boss would approach me for a lot of things concerning new technologies, he was old school af, we were using classic ASP, and delphi. I have nothing against either stack really, ASP is way past its expiration date, and delphi is still going strong with new releases etc. But he asked me during a meeting if he should just give up and let the other dude just use foxpro, i just said no.

    I am a sucker for old tech tho, I still want microsoft to open source VB6 and Classic ASP, i think that had ASP been an OS technology the community would have advanced the VBScript language to be more akin to what we have with php, but I digress, the guy was a total weirdo sometimes although he did has his nice dude moments
  • 3
    @AleCx04 its ok to like old tech but damn, this guy uses notepad to code. Does he use a horse and carriage to get to work lol?
  • 1
    IIS? Ouchieees.
  • 0
    @intromatt I mean is simple enough to use and manage, but for php? mmmmmm I don't like it for anything outside of the .NET stack
  • 1
    @d-fanelli might as well, dude had an old ass toyota :P
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Ewww, a Toyota? This story is getting weirder and weirder.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 wtf is visual fox pro? I had to Google it. Goddamn
  • 1
    @codecrow old ass tech mane
  • 0
    Still used to this day. I know a Fox Pro app being used to run a Real Estate brokerage in Canada. It's so bad that....well fuck...you can imagine.
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