
Anyone know a good open source web page builder? If there's a laravel integration would be better.

Got a client needs this very soon!

Sort of just assumed someone did it, but yeah, like there's lots, I see wink, grapejs, etc. But there's gotta be one perfect for my needs.


  • 2
    What do you need it to ... do?
  • 2
    Wix or Dreamweaver are two perfectly good solutions!

    Can’t be any happier!
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    @N00bPancakes I need my members, who will be very novice Internet users, to drag and drop to create a website. Nothing crazy, just basic splash pages.

    From what I understand, grapesjs is a ... uh, builder for page builders? At least that's what I'm seeing, could be wrong.

    Basically I'd like to do something like http://grapedrop.com which I guess is the implementation of using their framework.

    But I don't think I want to spend the next (probably) month using their framework to create that.

    So, if there's any splash page builders out there open source?

    Not like full website builders, just a splash or capture page builder.

    Otherwise I guess I'll have to hack something together real quick with grapejs. I of course think it'll take like a week, or maybe a few days, but that means, 2 weeks to a month, conservatively. Trying to avoid that.
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    These are webpage or website builders. I need an actual project open source that helps users create webpages. So, I'd be like creating my own dreamweaver, just way less gooder.
  • 3
    So you want to create a Wix clone under 2 week. Well, good luck.
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    One emoji might resume it all : 🤦‍♂️
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    @hack i said webPAGE builder, a simple one, relax. And yeah you can do it with grapesjs. Obviously, wix is the product of a team of programmers working on improving it everyday, for years now.

    You fucking dummy.
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