New home, new workspace :D

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    @thmnmlst not really sure to be honest, but I might have indeed pissed of the wrong person xD
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    Because you left the draw open!! Kidding*
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    What keyboard is this ? Wireless ?
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    @TheGeekyGuy I'd still want to have it.
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    @thecritic It's a Magicforce 68 with Gatheron Brown switches, the cable runs alongside the laptop and it's hidden by it.

    Btw, highly recommended for codding as long as you don't use function keys that often :D
  • 0
    Thats is niceeee
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    @rsd-raul Thanks a lot, gonna get one!
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    @TheGeekyGuy Haha here you go: 💵💵💵
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    Looks sick!
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    Interesting layout...
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    How do you use each of the monitors you have, in what you code? preview? other stuff?
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    @thureos mostly depends on what I'm doing:

    If I need to follow instructions to the letter the Vertical is basically for that (PDF/reference), top one for music/video/chrome and laptop for codding.

    No reference usually means I know exactly what to do or only need to check from time to time, in this case top for Chrome/reference, vertical for music and cheat sheet, laptop for codding. From time to time I turn off the laptop screen, then the left one shares chrome/reference and music/video.

    If I'm following a course (like in the picture) top one for course/videos/tutorials, vertical for cheat sheet and music, laptop for codding.

    Vertical: If android, for the virtual device.
    Top: If web/app dev, for webpage, db or app.

    Ps: to be honest when changing/building the workspace I thought about leaving only the vertical and the top monitor, but I quickly found one on top of the other created a more "seamlessly" experience, it's much easier to move your eyes than your neck...
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    @rsd-raul Do I see a paper cheatsheet for IntelliJ in the right corner? ;)
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    @thmnmlst we just have to make @dfox aware that we can be bribed...

    ...Like, if we had something squishy, something orange, maybe round...

    ...We wouldn't mind a few +1 less :P
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    @tnnn indeed you do my good friend.

    I've started working with Android again, and every time I do I say i'm gonna learn a few useful commands...

    ...Now that I have enough desk to leave things on, it was time to highlight the vajisus out of it xD
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    @rsd-raul cool, I like it!
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