I'm a depressed programmer.

  • 7
    Me too!
  • 1
    @rutee07 🤔
  • 1
    @rutee07 Why are you sad, little robot?
  • 5
    I'm a pressed grammer.
  • 1
    I’m pretty sure you’re a human.
  • 1
    It comes with the black hacker hoodie.
  • 2
    Is there another way to program?
  • 1
    That's not a rant, that's an honest CV of any programmer
  • 2
    Me too brother. I'm literally sitting here every day in, out.
    Sometimes going outside for a walk but that only provides temporary relief to a permanent problem which can be described as follows:
    "I wake up everyday wondering why I even woke up. Life is so shitty right now it's almost not worth living".
  • 1
    Depression for devs is a sign of health
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    ho depressed programmer, I am dad
  • 2
    Hello I’m lazy programmer
  • 0
    @Nanos The word programmer says it all.
  • 0
    Search help. Talk to a psychologist. Life can get better for you, you don't have to be in this state.
  • 0
    A lot of us are.

    Programming is hell
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    @ZeldaFan69-2 Guaranteed answer: “Your career is killing you; find another.”
  • 0
    @Root seems like a good advice to me
  • 1
    Are there any other kind.
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