
Today I spent half an hour trying to figure out why my IDE stops on an exception that is very obviously caught.
I left a breakpoint there because the stack traces behaved weirdly.

  • 5
    Haha. I wondered why my laptop won't turn on when I had the battery charger unplugged
  • 2
    Exceptional find my dear Watson!
  • 1
    @asgs Your response is so epic! LOL!
  • 7
    @asgs Many years ago, Windows' network diagnosis was helpful one single fucking time when wifi didn't work. Windows told me to put the wifi switch (in hardware) of the laptop to "on". Until then, I hadn't even noticed that the laptop had such a switch.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop WTF! What fucking switch! Oh... Looky here...

    Yeah, been there. Not that exactly, but other things.
  • 3
    All of a sudden console.log("you are here") doesn't seem so bad.
  • 0
    I will be you Holmes)
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