Me : "hey front end dev, here is an API returing a list of objects, put them in a table"

*Some hours later

Front end : 'Done !"

Me :" Where are the totals?"

front end : 'Api doesn't give me totals"

me : "Calculate them. Just do a sum"

front end : 'I don't know how".

Yeah, "front end" apprently means only html css.... FML

  • 24
    This is an insult to frontend devs. That guy shouldn't have a job.

    That said who the fuck wants to be a frontend-only Dev...
  • 4
    You send me this API response, I will send you back working, summing AND EDITABLE CRUD tabular data on a web portal in under an hour.

    2 hours and I'll make it filterable and searchable and paginated on either the client or server side.

    3 hours and I'll do the same thing but in Node.

    That dev is shit.

    In fairness though, only in the last few years did "front end dev" come to mean understanding the entirety of the Node/npm/react/vue/angular/docker/kubernetes ecosystem.
  • 7
    For fucks sake this field is on its fucking knees! Now we have so called developers who can’t add numbers in a fucking array, one of the first things I learned to do when i first stated programming! WTF! AND NO being a front end developer is NO EXCUSE bc you’re a DEVELOPER AKA SOMEONE WHO CODES (aside other things like system analysis). AND THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN IS “😭 I CANT DO IT WITHOUT AN API!” Sigh gotta have that cozy framework that gives you everything without taxing your poor little brain.
  • 4
    Can I have his job? Please?? Unemployment sucks but I’m way more suitable than this incompetent clown
  • 7
    @HiFiWiFiSciFi Now I have another front dev who wats to build pages in react (Fine with me, I do not discriminate even if I don’t really like this framework).
    He wants a “Middleware” in JavaScript which will call web services / calculate / update data, but he wants another dev doing it as it is not “His work, he is here for layout and components and atomic design”.
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript dafuq?! Everywhere I worked at, I always had designers who don't do coding. And front end devs who implement the designs given by the designers.

    It's very hard for me to imagine front end designers who work with front end tools like HTML and CSS without actually knowing how to code.
    It kinda makes sense but still hard to picture.
  • 1
    @Lensflare Ah no, you miss read. The design is done by another person. His job is to implement this design and interactions + api calls
    Not to actually create design.
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript ok. Still interesting. Do you think that this kind of frontend "dev" separation makes sense?
  • 0
    I still remember that backend devs face when I made calculations of two different api responses to get what I needed to show in the table to finish the task.

    He was like: but we don't have that data sorted out on the backend!!!

    How is hard to do {{a+b}}???
  • 4
    @NoToJavascript He probably just took your name too seriously.
  • 1
    In our API driven system our Datatables are kept abstract and dumb, as in, they are there to visualize and interact with our api, not to do calculations, filters or lookups. Although a simple sum via Array.reduce() is not rocket science, following a design pattern and sticking to it isn't dumb either.

    This is especially true in large datasets since you might not want to pass all records over api for performance reasons. at that point your frontend can't even calc totals anymor, so it's (in my opinion) never a bad idea to add this data to your endpoints from the get go.
  • 5
    Beat him with a math textbook until he gets it.
  • 0
    @Root don’t. His brain is damaged enough, we don’t want him to start eating his mouse or making raspberry fart noises at everyone who walks by his desk...but even still, he would still retain enough intellect to be smarter than your coworkers.
  • 1
    @d-fanelli If he can’t grasp it, I guess he dies 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • 1
    @Root lol that or he writes articles for medium about how he became a software engineer at a top Fortune 500 company. That’s how he would eventually make decent money after being fired for being a dumbass
  • 4
    Wait... You can add numbers using code?! Wtf?! This opens so many new doors for me!

    Would this work in TypeScript too or is this just for js, css and html?

    Pls guys, I need this to flex on all my colleagues at Microsoft
  • 0
    flex? :D
  • 0
    @Hazarth dude, even CSS has calc();

  • 2
    @devJs it was a joke
  • 1
    You should have answered him with the gif from the Griffin where jesus adds up two numbers
  • 2
    Seriously have no idea how these people make it into their positions! I’ve been on devRant for just a few months and yes I’ve known bad devs are almost everywhere but this site fuels that knowledge, not blaming the site btw. By bad devs I don’t imply people who don’t know basic python, but it’s shit like this. And I can imagine him using excuses like “we don’t need algorithms, that’s leetcode shit”. Um yes you probably don’t need to traverse a fucking graph but these days adding numbers in an array is now considered “leetcode shit”. Pretty soon if and else will be leetcode. Petty soon after that calling a magic function will be leetcode. Pretty soon after that doing anything manually will be leetcode
  • 3
    @d-fanelli simple: recruiting is broken af and a marketer has better odds to get the position than an introvert does!
  • 1
    @piratefox yeah. Just say kubcernetes and microservices and boom hired
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