
Stupid fuck shit. I am living in a tiny apartment right now but have a better paying job to afford a better apartment where my fucking workspace is not in my tiny bedroom. I really need and wish for a dedicated workspace now because office is pandemicwise closed since a year, but guess what my hometown is having a housing boom and constant influx of rich young professionals or newly weds with lots of cash from them or their parenrs/family. And everybody is buyigh up apartments like crazy. If u want to have a good apartment now u already need to settle for life with a high mortgage or pay half of your salary away for rent. Unfortunately the pay does not accomodate for that but is on the level of 10years ago. Aaand as a single iam fucked royally from taxes and everybody else. Fyi: hometown berlin and Hamburg germany.

  • 2
    Yeah, I feel you. I'm lucky I'm not in the same situation but I know friends who are, and it seems like the longer you wait the worse it gets price wise.

    Can only hope prices start to go down or at least stabilise post covid.
  • 1
    How about moving somewhere else? Now would be a good time if you can keep your current job at least until they expect office work.
  • 0
    @electrineer yeah i am evaluating buying a car and moving really out of the city. Somewhere significantly cheap. But to be honest the rural areas outside are quite dead. When life pics up again ill be stranded.
  • 1
    @noyb the absolute amount of stupid people is also smaller there
  • 1
    @electrineer true that!
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