What is up with people asking for help and then immediately getting pissy like the first fuckin thing you say?

Shut the fuck up and let me help you, damn.

  • 6
    ARE YOU ASKING ME!??!?!?!
  • 3
    They're usually frustrated and feel like they've tried everything you're suggesting, or feel that what you're asking is completely irrelevant.

    Bloody annoying. Like dude, I'm trying to get to grips with your issue here. if you're so confident you know what the issue is, go fix it on your own.
  • 3
    Are you suggesting java guy to use python?
  • 2
    Did they actually ask for advice, or were they just ranting/complaining? Cuz it's annoying from my experience.
  • 3
    @NoMad This. Often I don’t want help, I just want someone to listen.
  • 1
    @Jilano yeah but "devrant" != "stackoverflow"
  • 0

    That probably would help but also there's the factor of struggling with something and mentioning it and someone is all "oh that's just..." and it's all bro... yeah it's not 'just', I've been work'n it for hours now, I know it isn't 'just' that ....
  • 0
    @N00bPancakes but you know... sometimes you spend hours and it was just a « just » in the end.
  • 2
    Feels like it was targeted at me
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