
If I have a bug in my Java program, please don't tell me "Use Python. It has a library for that, you can do it in 2 lines".

Motherfucker, I'm not asking for a solution in Python, nor am I asking you to pick my language for me. The rest of the project is in JVM languages, and I'm not gonna rewrite the whole damn thing so i can use your precious little script-kiddie language

If I show you Java code, I don't want Python. I never want Python. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS FLUFFY, STOP TRYING TO FORCE-FEED ME PYTHON

  • 12
    ah the good old

    "How do I do X?"

    "Don't do X, do Y instead"
  • 2
    I mean, it wouldn't be the first time I've mixed languages like that, but never outside of personal projects 😅
  • 4
    Heh, it's *always* this way, just with different languages. Always used to be Perl. Perl guys were always the ones sneering that "If you just used Perl you could've done that in 5 minutes."

    Then, for over a decade it was the C# community coming out in droves to point out how much quicker and easier it could be done in their language of choice.

    Now it appears to be Python devs having a go...
  • 7
    @AlmondSauce to be fair to the python crowd, watching examples regarding how they fix certain stuff lets me apply it on other langs since their shit is basically working pseudocode
  • 7
    Reminds me of that abomination I was told to use at work where a java methods calls a 200 LoC python script that calls many bash commands.

    You know what, I will code it myself in java.
  • 5
    There's probably a npm package for it
  • 1
    Here use these waffles... They don't help but make you happy.

    And with enough eggnog pretty drunk.
  • 0
    You can use Python to generate your java files.
  • 0
    Usually script kiddies don't know programming. They just pick up python (is easy for them ) then put python for everything...
  • 0
    I get the emotion.. But why bash Python !? If a language gets things done easier than the others why degrade it ?
  • 0
    @purist Language bashing is common...

    And really, I see no bashing here.

    Python is nice, yes. But whenever I look at it's OOP stuff, I'll cringe. XD
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM what !??? Do you hate OOP in general or do you hate Python's implementation of OOP. Because i love that in python.
  • 1
    Another thread I highjack.... *gg*

    @purist it's implementation.

    No visibility (private / protected).

    No interfaces (unless you go the merry round way... e.g. creating an abstract class by defining functions with pass)


    Python OOP is a lot of "let's work around that Python does not offer it by utilizing Python's internals" which is kind of sad.
  • 0
    @IntrusionCM Okay.. I was pissed off when i learnt there is no data hiding. Since i am not that familiar with Java, the interface thing never struck me and i always felt weird about interfaces in general when dealing with Java.

    But i get it.. If i am not wrong, interfaces are like modding a game. You describe what you can change in a mod, but dont define how. I love this kind of abstraction in general, but i am shocked it took me long to figure this out about abstractions.

    I like python's way of Operator overloading. In C++ having to use a seperate syntax always looked wierd, and not also very extensible too. Python's operator overloading is easily extendable and easy to understand too.
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