TIL the best way to “win” an argument on Twitter is to simply abandon the thread when people think you should answer for your “crime” of having a difference of opinion and they start bringing social justice nonsense into it as a replacement for logic. They’re going on and on about how you are obligated to reply to them to answer for your alleged “privilege” and your silence just makes them sputter with rage.

  • 7
    That is winning the battle. To win the war, do not get into Twitter fights. Seriously no one will say: “this guy who has different political opinion persuaded me”
  • 4
    TBH, all I did was reply lightheartedly to a completely innocuous, non-controversial tweet that was not politically charged in the least. But someone had a look at my profile pic, determined I was a threat to them because of their perception of my character based solely on my race and gender, and decided to pick a fight.

    I’m totally ready for that asteroid. We need a reset.
  • 5
    @aviophile I think that’s conceding the war. They’re going to pour their nonsense over everything anyway, so if you remove your voice, theirs is the only voice left.

    The only way I’ve found that works is to just make fun of them and point out their many contradictions.

    Of course this gets you flamed and doxxed and probably fired. Ugh.

    The violent intolerant in large numbers is scary indeed.
  • 5
    I basically agree. But, the one counterpoint I'd make is that if you aren't willing to defend your positions then I'm not sure they're worth very much. But, with THAT said, to what extent you defend them is mostly up to you. If someone is engaging in an honest debate then yeah, I say stand up and argue. It's in a way intellectually dishonest not to. But, if someone starts being aggressive and coming at your JUST because you have a different opinion, then I totally agree, bailing is the best bet.
  • 3
    @fzammetti In this case I went back in (against my better judgment) and was able to eventually bring it back to the discussion topic rather than ad hominem. But in the end they still got emotional and took their ball and went home after I clearly laid out logically why they were wrong. The knowledge I happened to have + my bona fides overwhelmed their passion in trying to discredit me as a rich, white, racist, classist male. Only the white male part applies to me. I’m the villain in everyone’s story regardless of how little I match the negative perceptions or stereotypes.
  • 1
    @stackodev Well, I just suffered one of those "if you don't toe the exact line I think you should in precisely the way I say you should" rando Internet attacks an hour ago and I just had to bail too. Some people have zero nuance to their thinking, you don't get to have ANY sort of mixed opinion on things to some people and you can tell when you reach the point where there's no rational conversation to be had, so I suspect I know what you mean.
  • 1
    Dunno, I don’t want to be vanguard of any ideas. I just have them, that is all.
  • 0
    The best way is to only consume Twitter through reposted Twitter memes on r/whitepeopletwitter
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