Text your girlfriend "send nodes" and post her reaction

  • 3
    Gave me a side-eye and turned around lol
  • 22
    Where can i buy this girlfriend? How much would one cost?
  • 14
    @HoloDreamer your pride, usually.
  • 3
    Girlfriend, ha
  • 2
    You're expecting us to send you her nudes, aren't you. Lol.
  • 2
    @HoloDreamer Well I guess it depends. You could have one shipped from over seas. It could be quite expensive, and I'm not sure how you would arrange for delivery. Would her family come with her, or will she just come in the mail? If with family, be prepared to pay extra in delivery costs. :P lol
  • 10
    I tried to use girlfriend and I got a null reference exception.
    Any solution guys? 😕
  • 1
    Sent me a list of the frameworks she's using right now.

    Joke's on me, I don't have one :(
  • 2
    She had way too much fun pointing out my spelling mistake instead of reading or caring about the message.
  • 1
    Reaction: 😂😂😂 what
  • 3
    404 girlfriend not found
  • 0
    I got the nodes.
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