I missed my scrum today. Missed the team meeting with VP, he asks everyone what are they working on, a good way to get in touch with peers.
Reason being, when I was sleeping the family started screaming in the morning for 2 hours they went on. I got little stressed and my eyes are still swollen.

Is it the valid reason not attending the meetings. I'm working for a promotion and 1 day in 2 weeks miss my scrum due to some reasons. What do you people think, should I stop struggling for promotion now and find another job?

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    Be transparent with you superior. If it's the first time, that should be okay.

    People make mistakes. Don't bother too much about it.
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    @react-guy This is the thing, it's not the first time. Like I said 1 day in 2 weeks I have something so I miss my scrum and inform people that this came up so I can't attend. There was a time when my manager pointed some people out in the group channel who were not consistent in scrums, I was one of them. At that time I was too inconsistent. I apologized on the group chat and after that missing is just once in a while.
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    Well, the daily is not extremely important in my opinion, if your work is consistent then I wouldn’t mind as a SM or PO. Also I think it depends on the dynamic of the team.
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    @edw1o1 I also feel that daily scrums are a lot. Mostly it is for the peers to know what blockers are there and also to understand the work on project.
    I skipped today as I had another meeting for my project. It happens every Monday.
    Scrums make me feel inferior.
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