
Is here anyone who really thinks that there is any benefit of participating in hackathons?
Acc. to me, hackathons doesn't makes a good developer but only a good resume(only if u win them)

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    I've never actually met someone who did one so.... 🤷‍♂️
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    I have been at one.

    It was not strictly a coding hackaton but design.

    It was a help organization that was going to redesign their site and used this format.

    And since it was well organized by a company with competent people I learned a ton of new things and had a very good time.

    I would definitely do it again.
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    @Jilano sorry, I've spent some time in the sun recently and the colour started coming back, it felt fair to make the change here.
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    @Jilano I agree and I also think its very much dependent on the organizers and the goal.

    With a good organizer that know how to get people going fast, knows how to coach, and a realistic and motivating goal, you can probably get a very good hackaton.

    But I also believe that many of them was started by people or organizations that only read about them in the news like any buzz word.

    I remembered that I actually been at another hackaton we did internally.

    That one was not as good. Sure, we had some fun and some got something done, but lack of a real coach or plan meant that only the ones in the group of the organizer actually got to finish something since they already had thought about it before, but only had ideas ready for one team. The rest would have to start from scratch and that proved to be to much for the allocated time, which also was less than 1/8 of the design hack which was done over 2 days.
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    @mysth what you have with you is the experience.

    That was my reason to go. Its not included in my CV but it was a good way to try something outside my normal area and to experience working under other premises.
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    Participated in a ton of them. Tell you what, it's about that last minute rush for me. Always those last 2 hours of a 24hr one are the stuff you go to hackathons for.

    Lay back if you don't like the pressure.

    Also, pssst, nobody gives two shits about how many hackathons you won, but if you're able to sell your solution.
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    Don't think that such person exists..
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    It doesn't matter if you won or not.
    I read it somewhere, "Any sincere hard work will always pay off".

    My team (group of four) won hackathon on regional level and moved to next one.

    I mentioned it in resume but they didn't ask about it.

    If you have won, that's a plus point but doesn't make much of a difference.
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    Participated in a few ones, but mostly for fun. Which I still think should be your main drive. The win prize may be nice, but do yourself a favor and go participate in one only if you like the theme. Hackathon is not how real products are built.
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