
If someone wants to violate my Facebook account he needs my password, the key I receive in my phone, and to know all the faces in my friendlist.
If someone wants to violate my bank account and spend all my money, he needs my password.

  • 3
    Banks are a joke 😂
  • 8
    Or like my bank, when they need to verify you are who you say you are...

    Me: Hi
    Bank: is your name [my name]?
    Me: ... yes
    Bank: Do you live at [my address]
    Me: uhhh yes.
    Bank: thanks for that, you have been verified, what do you need?

    No password asked for and if they do you just say oh I forgot it. Haha what a joke.
  • 2
    Because friends are more valuable than money
  • 1
    In few years, banks will be done. Decentralised economy is coming.
  • 1
    @doz87 for real? Lol
    I've got to enter a pin or my latest transaction amount... but there are some lacks in them too.. For example there are some people who accept around 50 instead of 50.45
  • 2
    @jerjer deadly serious. I remember my bank used to ask for last transaction but that didn't last very long. Seriously sometimes when they do it I'm waiting for them to ask me a trick question but then they just do the standard "I'm going to ask and answer the question for you" thing. Haha

    They're only one of the four big banks in Australia haha and some of the others are worse.
  • 1
    @doz87 cheers mate I'll know where to go if I'm ever strapped for cash
  • 1
    Hum... Account number and wait for it... .. 4 DIGITS PIN CODE HERE. They might think that it's cheaper to refund hacked account than to create a secure login system
  • 0
    I think most Portuguese banks that support eBanking force you to have 2-step verification for transactions. At least the 3 I know do!
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