Had to put down my dog today. I've felt real shitty before but this is my closest experience of loss I've had.

I miss her so much you guys. I'm sorry for bringing it down. You guys all feel like a real community so help me feel my feels and not just push it down.

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    Oh shit, that’s one of the worst things to go through. My condolences! My dog had to be put down two months ago, it was really sad
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    I don’t know about this because I have never had a pet but why do you HAVE TO put down your pet? Why not wait for natural death?
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    @Cyanide her back legs had atrophied and she couldn't see and she couldn't get up to go to the bathroom or eat anymore. She was living a life of misery, and i wasn't going to wait for her to fall and break her jaw or hip.
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    @d-fanelli i'm so sorry, man. Feels like a dream you can't wake up from right now. Hope things are getting better for you, and i hope everything is working out.
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    @Root thanks for recognizing me, senpai
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    Never had a dog all my adult life until a few years ago, now I wonder why, she is the best thing ever and it would pretty much destroy me if she were to leave us. I feel your pain. All the best, hoping you can get through this tough time.
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    Oh no, stay strong! I hope you're doing well
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    @NEMESISprj thanks, i appreciate it man
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    This may sound strange, but your dog is still probably there in its spirit form. It doesn't know why things are different. It's probably trying to get your attention. I would try talking to him or her as if they are right there and explain what happened. I believe the dog will be able to understand it coming from you.
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    Oh man.. I'm so sorry for your loss!
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