
I just got trolled by Amazon.
LOL and FML.

Be me, super busy with tons of things to do trying to prioritize tasks and jiggle jaggle from one thing to another.
Then i get a call from an Amazon representative, which I know:

Her: You should join the AWS Founders Club, you will get a lot of benefits.
Me: I don't really want to, I already looked into it and the process is long.
Her: You should do it, you got what it takes. Just register through this link..
Me: O.k.

1 day later

AMAZON: Unfortunately, we have to inform you that at this time we aren't able to accept your application. Though your startup story is impressive, your startup isn't at the right place in its journey to benefit from what the AWS Founders Club can offer.

I didn't even want to join in the first place!!! What is this next level of trolling?!

  • 2
    Yes, the joke is only on you
  • 3
    @Eklavya but i didnt start a joke which had the whole world crying..
  • 3
    next time:
    "Ok, so you can guarantee that I will be able the founders club? I won't fill ajy form until I have a contract accepting me"

    Or spam them with emails and DOS. You know what would be cool? A devRant DOS network. If we get angry at someone, we ask some buddies here to start DOS'ing them
  • 3
    Just give aws a negative google/facebook review. Worst case: satisfaction. Best case: satisfaction+win
  • 4
    In my PR :

    Senior dev: "You need to fix the format according to the <link to code standard>"
    Me : "But it doesn't mention anywhere about using the format. <other senior dev who wrote the standard> also support my decision. Other dev who review the code also already approved to it."
    Senior dev A :*insist by using an file that is not even part of the PR*
    Me: "I already used this format for 500 files merged to master, and I have another 400 files that I have to fix, do you really want me to revert the changes from 500 files? " :/
    Senior dev: "I don't want to be your enemy, I just want to make our codebase better"
    Me : **I don't want to be your enemy either, I just want to finish this ticket ASAP and you're asking for cosmetic changes that's not even supported by the std and other devs**
    Senior dev:"Ok, I will approve it, just fix the whitespaces"

    I sometimes think that some some senior devs just want to flex when they're reviewing PR. Just so people can see that they wield the power..
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