
I'm not the product manager. I'm not the leader. I'm not even in a lot of meetings. Why my colleagues ask me about product/development decisions?

I appreciate they about wanting to know my opinion, but when they come in a rush it is a bit stressful.

And I am not paid for that.

It might sound about selfish, but the reality is I am not one of those roles (and my salary neither) to avoid exactly this.


At least I can redirect them and not lead with the sublaying reasons of the doubts.

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    @mysth Thank you for the advise.

    Well, I have to say here that I'm very happy with my actual position. It's all about time periods:

    After years of good management it arrived a time of messy restructuring and all company roles/structures/work flows seem chaotic. But it's temporary.

    Also from my side, personally I need a period where I can not handle big deals on work.

    And my rant was just that: A puntual moment of stress where I needed for rant.
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