Currently I am at a small company and there is another developer bit senior than me. When he interferes in the project assigned to me and suggest his ideas (may not be the best always) I feel too much terrible coz I like to explore on my own and learn from that. Obviously I will be bit slower than others. This happens most of the time and now a days I feel very low and even the boss blindly prioritizes his ideas and that hurts !!

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    Schedule a meeting with both of them and if you have someone high in the company but not on your immediate team to act as a witness/voice of impartiality. Make a list of points that upset you and reasoning why. Make them hear everything you have yo say before they respond. Come to some way forward that is mutually agreed. Document it all and distribute. Don't be scared, if you remain professional you have nothing to fear..... Or just carry on getting dictated to until you can't stand it and have to find another job.
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    @helloworld Thank you very much :) . BTW I am carrying on right now. Hopping to sort it out soon. Anyway your suggestions led me to stand more professional.
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