
Just started my career as web developer please drop me some advice 🥺

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    Take it one day at a time. Write down what you learn.
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    Cut the hashtags, first of all. Not needed here.

    Day it a day at a time, and keep learning, keep looking for things to learn, listen for advice and take heed. Try not just to ship working code, make it clean and readable and learn the concepts, keep broadening and deepening your knowledge and above all, keep practicing and getting feedback.
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    Try to forget everything you learned on school/college about programming think for yourself. You’ll stand out quickly.

    And always don’t extra mile.

    Good luck
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    Master CSS and JS shit.
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    Learn Flask, NodeJS and PHP only.Dont get into mern stack
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    @Eklavya worst advice ever.
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    @Ubbe that’s a very strong opinion... I do agree that Node.js wouldn’t ideally be used but for prototyping and serverless functions etc small things, and M$ does a lot of shit, but never? That’s bad advice.

    First, TS > JS

    Second, C#/F# and the dotnet ecosystem is a pretty decent general choice for backend.

    Hate MS stuff all you want, but to that’s shit advice
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    @Ubbe I do agree with you on that business logic should live in the backend written in a decent backend language.

    However, I beg to differ with the usual problems one faces with JS and whether or not TS serves to solve them. It doesn’t help with timing issues, true enough, but I’ve never encountered any, and pretty much every problem I’ve ever had was type related. It does introduce complexity, but also type safety (to a degree, TS is far from perfect) that saves one from a lot of runtime headaches.
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    Work your hardest on your projects, but understand after they go out into the world the world IS going to fuck them up.

    For the first several years it was hard to pour soul into a project only to have the client (who knows less and has worse taste and less UI experience) fuck it up. Sometimes extensively.

    Now... fuck it... I'm still gonna put the effort in, but if the client wants to fuck up their software product it's their dime. They can pay me to do it right, then pay me to fuck it up. Double the money for the same feature. :)
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    Learn to make simple projects with JS and strat working on projects that you like or that solves a problem for you.
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