
Mmmm new screen protector and case for foon 😁

Old screen protector was burnt and nasty in general, new one has a matte finish. The case has the same colour as the back, but doesn't show how I let my phone drop and crack the glass, huehue

Yes I'm happy now my foon looks good again

  • 1
    @mysth Go get a protector done? Can't you do that yourself?
  • 1
    I've been using a phone completely naked for a year and didn't even think about changing that.

    The phone doesn't have any protectors either.
  • 2
    @electrineer completely naked you say? 😏
  • 1
    @Tayo yeah, it's easier to get things done when you have a good grip
  • 3
    I tried using a phone naked too, but it ended badly - I'm banned from the supermarket now
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