
The balls some managers must have to think that this is going to be an acceptable price.

I also find it hilarious that a $2 adblocker can fuck this in the ass.

  • 13
    What is it?

    Price is kinda relative to the product IMO.
  • 5
    @N00bPancakes crypto / stock / commodity tracking app, but not a broker of their own.


    The "enhance your experience" button called out to me, but then it's only to remove ads I don't get anyway 🤦‍♂️
  • 2

    It's crypto currency... not exactly the ecosystem of great business practices.
  • 11
    You pay for adblockers?
  • 0
    If this doesn't trigger any alarm, i really don't know what could...
  • 1
    @mundo03 on IOS, yes, $2 to be able to import my own lists instead of adding 1 domain at a time was worth it.
  • 2
    @C0D4 super worth it.
    I use adguard at network level but I am disappointed, I need more control than just DNS blocking..

    I am researching what can I do about that.
  • 1
    @C0D4 Which ad blocker?
  • 2
    @Root https://www.adblockios.com/

    Out of the box it's kinda useless like most adblockers, but import your lists and works a treat.
  • 2
    That's like government telling you that no one will attack you but you say that you don't need that because you can own a gun.
  • 1
    I'm with @N00bPancakes when it's hosting your content (like videoplatform) than they can show ads to your customer or you can be professional and have it removed.
    In this case it's ridiculously over priced. Someone probably thinks that stock lives on speed and people will pay anything to get that speed (forgetting you need to switch to something else to actually broker)
  • 1
    Aren't most decent adblockers free?
  • 1
    @crxssed in theory.
    Except all the free ones are worthless junk when it comes to iOS, most don't even other the ability to add domains to the block list yourself or worse don't block shit to begin with.

    So, what's a couple of dollars for an app to get what I actually want out of the damn thing.
  • 1
    Corporations have enormous warchests and will expense this.
  • 2
    @mundo03 you can also do DNS rewrites so if you wanted to make your own local domain to mess around with you can do that too. Its easy with adguard
  • 1
    @ScribeOfGoD i need full URLs, not just domains, this is why network adblockers only partially work
  • 2
    I still dont understand how there is not a full on war against adblockers already considering thats the main source of income for many websites. I am not against adblockers or anything. Just wondering.
  • 1
    @purist there is a full on war with adblockers, it is just that adblockers keep wining because thst is wher the user is.
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