
* I wanna make a website
* I'm good at backend
* I suck at frontend

* I wanna make a website
* I suck at backend
* I'm good at frontend

Initial though: Match made in heaven
Now: FFS Wordpress is not the kind of frontend I had in mind.

git commit suicide.txt -m "It was a nice thought before it was put into action"

  • 4
    Ok, I got him to switch to nuxtjs.
  • 11
    They claim to be good at frontend because they know WordPress?! I'm out of comments
  • 0
    Oh there's a whole industry for people who know WordPress, and you can even add WordPress and Wix to your resume. I got a couple of friends who can get more than $1,000 for every website they make on WordPress. They don't claim to be front-end devs, tho
  • 0
    To be fair, if you are smart with it you can get some mileage with just wordpress. Theme development and plugin development is massive in this space and the dev pool for it is shitty for something simple, cuz plugins and themes are not hard to make if you know what you are doing. You can sell a wordpress website that doubles as an app with a TON of functionality and charge up the ass for it for sime things:

    "Oh you need to add this page with x y and z? No problem, that would ve $280" and it takes you 30 mins. There is tons of actual programming that can go into wordpress that is not as fucky as people make it out to be. I would not call the insides of wordpress good, for a cma I would say it does what it needs, as an actual application dev platform I am effy sinxe everything needs to be a plugin, or actual code in the app, but shit is easy and highly profitable.

    Heck you can even just use wordpress as a headless cms and use something on the frontend like Gatsby or Next.
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