
Of course I can code with vi. I can also cook by burning wood. It might taste better, but it doesn't cook faster.

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    Don't mind me, just grabbing a chair for when the movie starts πŸ’ΊπŸΏ
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    My experience tells me that cooking on an open fire is at least a fast and much more fun, so that's a really bad analogy ;)
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    They both have their purpose for different situations and different life styles. :)
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    I used Vim as my main development environment for 17 years.

    Vim (not Vi) is an amazing text editor.

    It's not a great IDE. Just like Atom/VSCode, you can punch and kick it until it works like an IDE, but it takes effort and won't get there completely.

    The memes about keybindings are kind of like qwerty vs dvorak keyboards. Vim has a higher efficiency ceiling, but your familiarity with the system contributes more to your efficiency.

    Once you are familiar with the paradigm, it's easy. But training costs time -- and you need to keep investing to maintain your muscle memory.

    I would say it's very usable for languages which are easy enough to analyze statically, like C or Haskell.

    It's also really good for writing text, markdown, latex, json, etc in isolation -- when it doesn't need to be interpreted within any context.

    For complex, fuzzy stuff like weakly typed web backends with lots of domain specific languages... not so much, I prefer to use the appropriate Jetbrains IDE.
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    Wood has potential to burn at a much hotter temperature than a comparable gas or electric stove.

    In short, it absolute cooks faster.

    Scenarios where it does not cook faster is because the user is "toasting" and not "cooking".

    This is why specificity of requirements is essential.
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    @Flygger @HiFiWiFiSciFi But you still have to invest time physically buying the wood and cleaning afterwards. Gas and electric are just there, the bill comes once a month and cleaning it up is easier
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    @eo2875 Being a scout both methods of preparing food is pretty much equal to me in terms of availability and cleaning; not living in the command line, vi has a very big overhead for me even before actually using it.
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    @eo2875 Thats a hardware problem.
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    I think the speed of cooking is more dependent on the cooking liquid and pressure than the fuel. I mean, fuel is important for priming the situation, but after it stabilizes you'd need a fluid with a higher boiling point like oil, or higher pressure like in an autoclave.

    No idea how any of that metaphor translates to development environments though.
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    @bittersweet ok, but if you get to choose your liquid propellant then I get to choose my solid propellant and I choose white phosphorus.

    If cooking by turning things instantly to vapor isn’t fast enough you need to get ahold of a nuclear guy.
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    Now I really would like to know how long it would take to cook an egg inside a neutron star.

    I mean, 7 minutes at 373 Kelvin... 7min/(10^12 kelvin / 373 kelvin) * 60 * 10^9...

    So that's 157 nanoseconds?

    I mean eggs are pretty strong, should hold up fine in an environment where every tea spoon of material has the mass of a mountain, right?
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    imho the strong point of vim is their editing motions. Modal editing may sound like a lot of work, but one you get used to it it's actually really natural

    Setting up code navigation and completion on vim is actually a lot of work. I just use vim-mode on Jetbrains IDEs instead
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