
Landed my first grad role as a software developer!

Node, c#, VB, xamarin, swift!


Life is good folks

  • 1
    Congratulations, where are you based?
  • 4
    The job is just between Coventry and birmingham
  • 1
    Noice! Congratulations
  • 0
    Very well done!
  • 0
    @craig939393 awesome! My parents live nearish coventry (northampton). Which company is it at?
  • 0
    Congrats on the job ... but Xamarin? ... hybrid? ... way to sell your soul to the devil
  • 3
    @practiseSafeHex at the end of the day if an app works well, is fast and has a good experience nothing else really matters to me.
  • 2
    @practiseSafeHex why not? You can save a lot of time with xamarin simply by outsourcing all logic to a shared library and reference that in each platforms project.
  • 1
    Sorry to ask, but is it 30k/mo or 30k/yr? I'm thinking about doing 3 months abroad in Glasgow and I'm quite curious to know the differences in the salaries paid here and there.
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    @milkbytes will be 30k/year wedges are are a lot lower over here than in the US
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    @cheesus Here in Portugal you'd probably receive something between 1000 and 1300€ per month. I guess that it's pretty much the same, since the cost of living in the UK is probably higher than living here.
  • 1
    30k a year? That's not much at all
  • 0
    @cheesus that's sad to hear. Entry levels for devs in usa are around 45-60k/year depending on the state and cost of living of the city.
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    Congrats! In 5 to 7 years go freelancing if you are willing to take a small risk. You'll end up with a minimum of 12k/month ;)
  • 1
    Don't forget that it is £30k not $. Even though I'm not sure of the exchange rate now anyway(thanks trump/brexit!)

    Well done! Getting into your first job is painful! Need experience -> can't get experience unless you Give me a stinking job!
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    @g-m-f *while we have the NHS. :P

    Coming from a programmer within the NHS!
  • 1
    Programmers in the NHS get 22k which goes up 1k a year

    30k is close to the very top end for grad pay outside of London folks. Maybe I should move country, but then I have to pay private health care and so on.
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    @dsteiner I despise hybrid tools due to the years of blood, sweat and tears they have induced.

    When you use hybrid you are using someone elses interpretation of the API's and stacks. Meaning you don't Just have to deal with OS and API issues, but also another layer on top of that again. Making debugging and online research much more difficult.

    Case and point when Xamarin launched AutoLayout / Storyboard support, it was diabolical. I had Xcode open to the left, Xamarin to the right and they were giving very different results. Because its named the same as the apple standard, googling issues was nearly pointless.

    Then add random issues in Titanium, like an app working fine everywhere, except the CEO's HTC one S running Android 4.0.1 (I think) being unable to open a map with a single pin on it, due to a crash.

    These impossible to address issues are constant and everywhere. The only true way is native.
  • 0
    The city I'm moving to average salary for Devs is 80k/y. But that's Canadian Dollars so....
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    @craig939393 developers get paid quiet a bit more then that within the NHS.
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    @genericdev143 a good friend of mine was just offered a role following a placement as a web dev. That was their offer.
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    @craig939393 I write full stack asp.net and I earn double that in the NHS.
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    @genericdev143 Fair enough then. It must just be his location and role or something
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    @craig939393 not trying to sound negative. Just ensuring people realise the NHS is a good place to work. I write systems which has the potential to save someone's life!
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    @genericdev143 of course, I'd never knock that.
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