
I honestly feel like I don't know what I'm doing. Actually, I don't know what I'm doing. From when I used to code to now being a solutions architect. I still Google a lot of things, I forget the stuff I've learnt/know. I feel like there's something that keeps on grabbing all the information I try to store in my brain and chucking it out.

  • 1
    It’s like that for me as well. The more I learn, the more I forget and the less I can do on my own.
  • 2
    Forgetting is a really useful and important function of human brain
  • 7
    Welcome to being an adult.

    Turns out literally nobody knows what’s going on with anything.

    So when you feel imposter syndrome, just remember everybody else is just as lost.
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    @HiFiWiFiSciFi this, exactly this
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    Finding a solution and understanding a solution are not the same things
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    My teacher used to say "the more (knowledge) you acquire, the more room you have (for more knowledge)"

    To me it feels more like FiFo. The stuff i don't keep in my active region, i forget about.

    Always thought it was just me. Thanks for sharing
  • 1
    It's honestly stressing me out. It's as if I'm getting dumber as time progresses
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