
fuck iText.
fuck Aspose.
fuck Adobe.
fuck PDFs.

It will be all too soon if I never have anything to do with programming an app to do PDF generation/manipulation ever again.

  • 2
    I feel you on the PDF thing... fucking hate that shit.
  • 2
    Aspose is total shit. I feel your pain.
  • 5
    I once needed ro generate pdfs, I generated HTMLs and converted that to pdf :D
  • 2
    @mundo03 that can work but multiple pages can be weird
  • 1
    PDF only makes sense when the document will be printed. Otherwise you are rendering page based, static documents on a screen which will present them suboptimally, by definition.
    Because what are the chances that a page fits perfectly into the screen?

    But because pdf is so damn convenient in being just a single file which can be exchanged, it's being used for EVERYTHING.

    For gods sake, why did nobody invent a tech where we can have HTML documents in a single file?
    That would be the perfect use case for HTML, namely documents!

    Instead, we are misusing HTML as a layout language for dynamic web apps! Fucking great!
  • 1
    I totally agree with you. I can't remember the last time I printed any document, even before the pandemic. It just creates an added nuisance for both desktop and mobile. I usually read PDF's in the metro in my mobile and the scroll is so annoying. This new tech could be responsive enough to look nice in EVERY device. We could use it for scientific papers, theses, manga, reports, contracts or even books - god even for those shared company documents that don't really have an exact physical counterpart. The person who gets it will indeed become a millionaire.
  • 4
    Tell me more about white background PDFs that I need to go through at night.

    + Aspose is shit.
  • 1
    @eo2875 and we could easily switch between light and dark mode and implement a font size option or even font switcher. Just like a browser does.

    Instead, we have text paragraphs or tables being split between pages in PDFs. And huge margins at the top and bottom of each page. What a great reading experience.
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