
What are you, a "Jack of all" or a "King of one" when it comes to programming languages?

And why did you decide to be that?

  • 1
    I'm definitely the jack
    Whenever I'm bored I start learning a new programming language. I think I'm up to my 15th now
  • 3
    Used to be a Jack(ie?). Now I'm a... I don't know, not a Queen, not at all. I just forgot everything else, LOL.
  • 1
    I hate this sort of labelling. Whats important is to understand how to solve problems, languages are just tools. They are not too complex with a lot of commonalities between them.

    Its similar to driving cars, when you learn to drive, it doesnt matter what brand of cars you are given. You just use them to get from x to y.
  • 0
    Kind of both. I'm looking for a challenge when I start learning a new language while also appreciating the fact that it opens up new opportunities. Furthermore, it helps me weed out the shitty languages from the good ones. Sometimes also just to go with the crowd because if a lot of people use a language it's usually sought after/usable and that opens even more oppurtunities to make bank (which is not my primary goal). End goal is finding full-stack languages that I can and want to stick to and mobile is pretty much dominated by iOS and Android, so those two as well...
  • 0
    I suppose I'm a 9 of at least 3.
  • 0
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