My friend said I should make some of my old dead projects public (after removing passwords or api keys) even if they were badly done at least to show growth and development to recruiters.

I don't know though, I had a ton of random projects most I didn't bother with good practices assuming I'd be the only person to see the code, or telling myself I'd fix it later though eventually letting the project die for various reasons

should I really make bad projects public or should I keep them private waiting for a slim possibility of me reviving them.

  • 3
    Sure, why not?

    I do that. Well I see my repo as free code storage rather than a portfolio showcase.

    if nothing else, it's a trip down memory lane :)
  • 1
    If you have at least a few good projects, or can make some, I see little problem with several older not quite so good.

    It proves you have been experimenting a lot and the good ones proves that you have learned and improved.

    But maybe not every one.

    I would choose those that either at least works reasonably well or show an effort of trying different things.

    Most of the ones I have public are not finished and code quality is a bit varied.
  • 1
    You have one thing to consider here tho: the pwds and other secrets show up in the commit history tho, if they’ve been there
  • 2
    Compensate bad code with good documentation, people judge book by it's cover.
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