
Ok its been an hour now trying to find a way to push a NEW commit to a MERGED branch. SMH! Help gitlab!

  • 2
    It shouldn't matter if it's merged. Have you deleted it or something?
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded no. The was a additional change and they dont want me to create a new branch. I tried to push force but the new commit is not showing.
  • 3
    git checkout -b <new-branch-name>
    git commit -m "I did something cool"
    git pull <base-branch-name>
    # work out conflicts if any and commit changes
    git push -u <new-branch-name>
  • 3
    Git cares nout whether a branch is merged. Some git flow models use regular committing / merging on the same branch by design.

    You're probably blocked by a commit hook or similar that's decided your branch is merged, closed and therefore isn't allowed any more changes.
  • 0
    @C0D4 i am not allowed to create a new branch. 🥺
  • 1
    @AlmondSauce it was actually merged. Like its in prod but they dont want to create an new branch for some reason for a new issue.
  • 0
    @r-fu Yeah that's... A really weird workflow.
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