
Anybody here creates desktop app?
or likes to create desktop app for own needs?
If yes, Which language/framework/platform do you use?
Care to share some tips or inspirations?

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    If you need cross platform gui, just create web apps.
    CLI apps for self, much faster to hack it up, and if you really need a GUI use the framework that comes with the language you use
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    Quick n' dirty: electron, kivy
    Serious: Qt
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    @HitWRight I have worked on ElectronJS for most of my client's projects. But when I make some simple stuffs like a timer of pomodoro apps for myself, I don't like that electronJS takes a lot of RAM and CPU to run it.
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    @RememberMe Qt using C++??
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    @Xoka if you're using Windows you can always try out WinForms or Wpf, seems to work great out of the box.
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    @Xoka Yep, the QT libraries is written for C++ (even in QtForAndroid)
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    Electron is a good choice for fast building desktop softwares, but it's too large (similar to Chromium) and can be a little slow, also takes up too much RAMs.

    So i recommend to use QT to write desktop applications, It's fast (with C++) and cross-platform (if use qt lib only), and can use native apis from current os.
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