I never knew that debug symbols, a core dump and gdb would be so powerful to debug

The command line is peak ol' reliable

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    Update: while I know where the seg fault occurs, I have no fucking clue why it happens this does not make sense at all
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    Also flame graphs are pretty awesome for performance improvement.
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    @LotsOfCaffeine Use valgrind. It'll tell you where the memory was first allocated, where it was eventually freed, and then where the access violation occurred.
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    @junon I've seen valgrind before, but I got it working with gdb.
    I got a core dump and inspected it (you can actually do this with vscode's C/C++ extension, though I used the command line).
    It showed me exactly where I got the seg fault but I didn't know why that one variable was suddenly an invalid pointer.

    I talked to a colleague who knows about the company internal library which I used and he explained that the variable was destroyed already
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    @LotsOfCaffeine Yes, that's my point. You can find out where a segfault occurs easily. Valgrind actually helps you understand what happened for it to become invalid memory. As far as I know, GDB does NOT do this.
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    @junon I mean I've used valgrind vaguely but idk what options and tools it actually has
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    valgrind --leak-check=full ./your-program -whatever -args -you -want

    If a "leak" doesn't actually mention any of your code in the call stack, it's a false positive (usually) and can be ignored.

    Also, sometimes it falsely marks some static allocations as leaks. But that's rare anymore.

    Otherwise, the rest is in the output, pretty self explanatory.
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