
Thoughts on my new wallpaper?

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    Which distribution's logo is on the flag?
  • 6
    @Oktokolo that's the logo of Manjaro linux

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    @10Dev Now, I got to know that there are other operating systems in the markets other than windows, mac, and Linux.
  • 7
    @Eklavya Manjaro is still linux.
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    @junon 😅Ohk
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    @Eklavya 🙄
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    Visually, it looks pretty cool.

    Idea though, I'm kinda done with the old Linux > Apple > Microsoft thing.

    They are tools and everyone is free to use whatever.

    I use Linux mostly but I don't care about that anymore.
  • 2
    @Eklavya There are: TempleOS, BSD, OS/2, dos, Unix, etc.
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    @Root But there are fewer applications for them.
  • 3
    @Eklavya So what? Other OS’s exist.
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    @Root oh TempleOS, glad that you mentioned this first 😌
    Did he actually support third-party apps in his temple ?
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    @dder Not directly as it isn’t networked (and ring-0 only, so caveat emptor). But it has a shell and an IDE, so you could run whatever code you like; you would just need to transfer it via sneakernet.

    But more generally:
    I am truly amazed at what he created.
  • 0
    @Root You have used it?
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    @Eklavya No. I am very tempted, though.

    I just worry I’ll enter God’s Third Temple and never leave.
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    @Root @Eklavya I mean, He never left either so I sure understand that. I stand in awe of His work, so I just admire it.
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