
Had a team with

1 entrepreneur who has this great billion dollar Idea and want me to sign an NDA before he can share the idea

1 newb who thinks that X language is the coolest because that's what everyone on Hacker news says

1 person who spends more time with other team than yours. I'll be fortunate to even spot him during the hackathon. Aka, "networking guy"

And then there's me, wondering why was I even here in the first place

Oh wait, that's the every hackathon I've been to.

  • 14
    I hate the fucking "networking guy".
  • 1
    Lol @ THN guy
  • 5
    Together we can do the work of one
  • 3
    Ideas are dime a dozen. It's the execution that counts. Why doesn't the general public get this?
  • 3
    @nickhh because they never execute, but get tremendous satisfaction by their self's "brilliance".
  • 0
    @nickhh That's true in the real world but not so much in hackathons. The whole point is to put something together in a short amount of time, and you can't waste time worrying about the details of proper execution.
  • 0
    @rtannerf Golden!
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