
Medium vs hackernoon vs dev.to vs hashnode.
Which one do you prefer and why?

  • 8
    All full of shit
  • 10
    devRant - obviously 🙄
  • 4
    For what?
    Quality and Reliability of articles - None
    Writing stuff - None (write on your own blog)
  • 3
    Every one of them is full of bs, except medium because very few people actually post good stuff.

    Overall I try to avoid them all
  • 2
  • 2
    All of them are pretty terrible, tbh
  • 1
    Medium - a place where everything is trendy, established practices get thrown away for no readon every of these "inspiring" authors is taking their own opinion as the only one acceptable. Any disagreement means that you are using outdated techniques and that you don't want to progress with new techniques
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