
How can someone keep playing mmorpgs?

My 20s younger brother plays all sorts of mmos, I guess with his friends, but I don't understand how they keep being interested.

All I see him doing is I guess raids, bunch of people attacking a giant boss monster... And basically button mashing?

How is that interesting or addictive... Doesn't that get old?

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    No mmo... Kinda sounds like "no homo".
  • 4
    Sounds like destiny 2.
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    @Ranchonyx dunno...I think all group raids are like this? I just don't understand how someone can be playing this stuff for years... It's just grinding, running around and button mashing... With different characters
  • 12
    @donuts "I guess with friends" -- you likely have your answer.

    Solving "challenges" together with friends is quite mentally rewarding.
  • 6
    doing shit like that this with friends is super exciting and addictive
  • 5
    There’s no button mashing. MMO’s aren’t Street Fighter.

    Raids are beautiful and so so much fun. Especially the “mechanics dance” raids where your entire raid is in a dance with the boss(es), flowing to and fro as the situation changes, timing their abilities, switching places with each other, etc. The entire raid moving in sync, and each person playing their part as perfectly as they can.

    It’s beautiful.
  • 3
    @Root I don't play mmos, and I have never played Wow. But I love watching the Leroy Jenkins video from time to time. I don't think that is the type of dance you are referring to. ;-)
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    @Demolishun No. no no no 😭
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    @Root @Demolishun Heigan dance ? :)
  • 5
    Usually it's not button-mashing. I mean, you're hitting a lot of buttons but you're also hitting them in a specific order most of the time.

    People play MMOs because they offer a whole lot of things to do. Raids, PvP, crafting, quests, exploration, role-playing, etc. Something for everybody.
  • 6
    Having played my share during the last 15 years I can honestly say much of the long term appeal is social.

    And as for button smashing, sure in some way, but finding the best combination and saving the group when someone else makes a mistake is a kick.

    And in many ways, what gets people playing chess or football over and over, its also the same ;)
  • 1
    @donuts well, in these times every interaction with friends, may it be physical or virtual, is an emotional treasure trove for kids. I've experienced it myself recently.
    What keeps them playing might be in game rewards, in case of some MMOs so called "god-rolls", items with the perfect set of stats and modifiers which you only get with a really low chance.
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    @Ranchonyx well he's not exactly a kid anymore. But for me it felt like u played 1 MMO, u basically played them all.

    Only diff is just the characters. But yes maybe it's more on the social side, just something to do together.
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    @donuts well, mostly I played MMORPGs basically MMOs but they contain a singleplayer story campaign.
    Most likely tho the social aspect.
  • 3
    If you really want to know either get some free mmorpg that your brother plays and play with him for some time. If it is a paid game you could buy it and play wih him or ask him to show thr game to you for some time to know why he keeps playing mmorpgs.

    Also a factor could be music. Good game music in he correct place can make something good or decent greatq
  • 3
    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 very true, if you ask me, music is a major part in keeping the player engaged. Don't know if you've played it at some point, but look up "destiny 2 deep stone crypt lullaby". It's by far the most loved track in the game.
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    @Ranchonyx I would say a better example of keeping the player engaged with music is the music in the queenswalk encounter.
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 good point. That's some good stuff
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    You are not prepared!
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    @EmberQuill well, if you use macros it is one button again
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    MMO*s are mostly not about playing, but about doing something with like-minded people. Humans are social creatures and MMO*s are an easy way to come up with a reason for socializing for hours without having to invent conversation topics or come up with meaningful things to do together. You also son't need to already know any people to be able to join a MMO* and search for a guild which is open to noobs.

    And then there are the few who actually enjoy the repetitive and mindless grind and get a huge happyness boost whenever a rare item drops...
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    @Sony-wf-1000xm3 bro has the only gaming pc

    And could be the music and social, which doesn't work for me since I'm deaf.

    Maybe that also why the only way to get me to play any of these games is to let me cheat.
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