React is trash


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    Why do you think so? (I don’t like it also)
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    @Sumafu its architecture is weird compared to others mvc framework
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    One more enlightened human, many to go.
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    @bagfox finally it's not so bad like it may seem

    I made this ui with react

    Despite all the frustrations i had
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    It isn’t trash.
    It just has a steep learning curve and doesn’t scale. Meaning it’s only a decent choice for projects that will never grow, and even then only if you’re willing to put in the non-trivial amount of work required to learn it.

    So, it would be great for a long series of small projects that you’ll have to maintain as the ecosystem undergoes drastic changes, and that’s really it.

    So yeah, like I said, it’s trash.
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    What are your go-to tools for front-end lately?

    I try and stick with the standard JS but I like Vue for toy projects and simple drop-in UI in legacy SSR stuff and Ember for longer lived projects.

    I’m a bit of a CSS nerd, so - I can’t really do JSX.
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    @sheriffderek I haven’t touched any frontend (save some stale legacy cruft) in over a year, so I don’t really have an answer for you. I honestly haven’t missed it much.
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    I don’t like JSX also. I also don’t like the concept that you have to create the JSX code in several different functions. JSX ist not compatible with custom HTML attributes and JSX is also used for several non-HTML things, mixed with the HTML things.
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    @Root I kinda expected that!
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    For the record, React is trash. Use Surplus.

    > I also don’t like the concept that you have to create the JSX code in several different functions.

    If you're referring to React's classes, then yes. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you mean here.

    > JSX ist not compatible with custom HTML attributes

    I believe prefixing your attributes with `dataFoo` (the `data` being important here) does what you want. If you are tacking on non-standard attributes, then you're writing uncompliant HTML anyway.

    > JSX is also used for several non-HTML things, mixed with the HTML things.

    Only if you use it that way. It would be code smell, though.
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    @Root wow , thats interesting. My company is thinking about moving from angularjs to react. And the code with angularjs is complex. So they are making a mistake then? I hear lot of people liking react
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    @Angry-dev Perhaps Vue?

    Ask someone with more knowledge on the subject. That’s all I can suggest.
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    @junon why would you use surplus? It hasn’t been updated in 2 years and, looking at the stars, a very small userbase.
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    @royke I use it all the time. It's solid, doesn't need much updating (the maintainer is still active, there just isn't much to change about it) and the userbase is small because it doesn't have flashy logos or corporate backing.

    The whole point is that it's lightweight. It also has been the top performer aside from vanilla javascript for years and years now.
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    @Root what do you think of the direction rails is heading?
    With Turbo(streams), Hotwire & stimulus sprinkled in? :)
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    @Angry-dev Vue.js is a lot like Angular 1.5

    If you want a ‘framework’ with routing and data and conventions then Ember is the only real option.

    What do they make?
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    I like React, much more than Angular. Especially after Angular broke backward compatibility and made vast changes in their architecture in every major version upgrade.
    Vue is also nice but I find React more appealing with more community support.

    I'd rather use preact if you dont need all the boilerplate of react.

    easy-peasy is a good substitution for redux if you need a store and actions provider and state management solution.
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    No u
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    @sheriffderek what my company makes? I do not want to disclose, to remain more anonimous :)
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