
*enters random page*

To continue, you must accept all cookies or click here to see our Privacy Policy.

*clicks to see privacy policy*

*in privacy policy page*
To continue, you must accept all cookies or click here to see our Privacy Policy.

  • 3
    There are 3 options in the footer.
    Terms | Back to Top | Privacy Policy
    Terms and Privacy Policy works the same as Back to Top.
  • 4
    Eh just display: none on that backdrop & modal usually works :p

    Most apps doesn't even check beyond the Modal 🤣🤷‍♂️
  • 7
    That’s when you leave and never come back.

    Though their security is probably as Swiss cheese as the rest of the site, so. Maybe there’s some fun to be had :)
  • 2
    And then there's me... the pop-p IS the privacy policy :^)
  • 3
    Nobody tested it because nobody is clicking to see the privacy policy. Because nobody cares.
    You were obviously the first one :)
  • 2
    Just remove that shit from the DOM and you're free😆
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