first day of swe class xD

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    Swe? Swedish?
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    @Dacexi software engineering
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    @amahlaka they fixed that positioning after couple of minutes though
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    @NotNihan ah. Gotcha.
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    This is why most of my teachers have adopted a BYOD philosophy. All our auditorium have a PC connected to the projector and most lab rooms have a PC per desk, still we always take our own laptops. Most college computers are way too locked down, have out-of-date software versions and are worse specced than our (dev) laptops.
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    @milkbytes my java teacher was surprised that i was nagging about the 4gb ram.. Yes, our lab computer uses 4gb ram, i3 windows 7 or 10 (some of them has mint installed) with a crappy old hdd that barley works.
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