Does any other front-end developer have the fear that we'll run out of handy words or phrases for JS frameworks and have to import massively long sentences to use what we need?

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    Just add JS at the end of the word. FooJS, BarJS etc....
  • 2
    Someone is using fartsjs so... Maybe we have run out 😂
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    trumpjs exists and I think I'm done with JavaScript
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    Just need to start misspelling words or dropping random vowels, particularly 'e' for some reason. Then there's always non-Latin languages... приветJS
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    I'm not sure I like the idea of other dictionaries letters. Too much keyboard work😬.

    Wrongly spelled words I guess we're used to by now
  • 3
    I might make a JS framework called Angler to catch misspellings of Angular, but it just sounds a bit fishy...
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