
@dfox I don't like this layout so change it because I'm the only one who does not.

  • 1
    I wish I could ++ more than once....
  • 5
    Why do you have that bottom tab bar :/ I don't have it. Might be a bug.
  • 0
    @tahnik Let me see if there's an update...... It's the same 😒
  • 4
    I only have the bottom tab bar when I'm in the Rant list. It goes away when I click into a rant/comments
  • 0
    @corscheid iPhone? Its the social links to comment button
  • 1
    @sylar that's what you were talking about? Look at the bottom of OP screenshot. There is share/comment button row but the. ALSO the nav tabs below that! (What i was referring to) see my screenshot..
  • 0
    @corscheid oh wait i know why. iPhone. lol
  • 1
    Yep. On iPhone and that's what I see too.
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