
This has been posted a few times but I just want to reiterate for noobs that !Rant means NOT rant, like the C, C++, Python, Java, etc versions. Not like CSS !Important or ruby do_this!(indeed) etc.

  • 2
    That is not an official rule, I won't be abiding by it.
  • 1
    It's a rule. Just now one did it write down
  • 4
    But the question remains that if it is not a rant, should it be posted at all?
  • 1
    Python uses the keyword not, rather than a "!". !True is not False, its error.
  • 2
    I think it all relies on semantics.

    !rant = Not Rant
    rant! = More than a rant

    Don't you agree?
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