
WOW!! What a fucking cop out. After what happened yesterday about branching. my senior and our boss had a meeting and I wasn’t included. My senior then message me to next time dont create another branch just use the existing branch even if it was merged. I said “ok but i thought thats the best practice, we we’re doing that since the beginning”. Senior then responded “Whats best practice for our boss, that will be our best practice” what a fucking cop out!!! Bitch!!

  • 10
    It's so easy to say but shit man ... that's uh ... that's job browsing kinda stuff.

    It's not all opinion... there are right and wrong ways to git. If they're gitting wrong because stupids, that's bad.
  • 4
    @N00bPancakes i got no say bro. I always get a response “i have 30years of experience” smh!
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  • 4
    @r-fu tell him "i got 30 years of experience is not a valid explanation as why to do things a certain way, if you don't want to share your knowledge i have no business being here. My invlovement goes beyond wage. I need some personal growth as well and i dont think its too much to ask for"
  • 4
    @bioDan i got no balls to say it. Hays.
  • 3
    @r-fu they have 30 years of stagnation more like
  • 0
    @r-fu paraphrase to your own style or slice and dice it to a couple of responses but you get the main idea.
  • 1
    @rutee07 cant argue with them bro. Are your company hiring?
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    @buried true man. Its sad tho
  • 2
    30 years of doing the same wrong shit over and over < 3 years of being open to learn and studying
  • 3
    WTF. Branching is always the right thing to do.
    I even branch before taking a shit.
    Sometimes i branch before i branch - but that might be slightly excessive...
  • 0
    @craig939393 they wont listen bro. They thought they’re always right. 🤦
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    @Oktokolo yea bro thats too excessive. Lols.
  • 0

    I just made an 'investigation' branch.... just to do some debugging, log some shit here and who knows just in case I change a bunch of stuff and maybe actually do more than that... but doing it in its own branch.
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    @kgbemployee bro my senior is a as kisser. Fo real man. He says yes to everything and now our backend has no test, nact be upgraded to the latest version. What an ass!
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    @r-fu just start looking for another job already. If things cannot be changed where you at rn, look for greener pastures.
  • 1
    Depressing company
  • 0
    They are acting like new branches cost big money
  • 1
    "Ok, so when should I create a new branch? Should I just put all fixes in the same branch all the time? No? What's the rule then? What about trivial features? Can you point me to documentation on the branching strategy you're using? No? Why not? Is it because we're using the 'pulled out my arse' strategy by any chance?"
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    @100110111 was supposed to bro. Was planning to after my vacation but since covid I postponed my vacation. Wanted to use that 200hrs of leave I’ve been saving. I dont want to apply to a new job and then take a vacation a month.
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    @AlmondSauce dude we don’t even have a documentation. I remember they have a photo of gitflow in the office but I dont think my boss understands it. He just do whatever’s convenient for him. That includes my senior too. They started this shit (project) 2 years without best practices. No documentation, no tests (both frontend and backend), copy pasting the code from packages instead (this part was funny for me because when the package upgraded to major we can’t do update lols)
  • 0
    @r-fu They would have lost me at "no tests".
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    @AlmondSauce haha. It’s hard to refactor the code base. I dont know which part will get affected and my boss always says “unit test everything” when he says that he really means go logout, log back in, go to every page is something is failing. Hahahaha.

    He was a tech consultant for 10years before. I wonder what happened to the companies that he was consulting.
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