Dev: Can you please tell me why you changed this?
Me: Because we need to handle permissions in the app. The quickest way of doing it, according to the docs, is [insert change log here]
Dev: But we can just check for the user's token.
Me: That's not exactly a permission, because...
Dev: I was only showing the information related to the user according to their token.
Me: I understand. But that means you're filtering data, not authorising users to access it. If a user is logged in, but changes query parameters, they can still access data they shouldn't be able to.
Dev: Whatevs.

Le me then proceeds to try to push my changes (that took the whole day to implement), gets a "you need to pull first" message from git, doesn't understand why, logs onto GitHub and realises dev has implemented their "permissions".

I was the one responsible for making those changes. Le dev was meant to be doing other things.

How do I even begin to explain?

  • 6
    Tried using a baseball bat to the head?
  • 1
    @corjaantje or multiple 😄
  • 0
    But then le dev stops doing what they need to do!
    I still need a functioning le dev.... 😔
  • 0
    @BellAppLab The answer is always coffee... A buttload of coffee
  • 3
    @BellAppLab call management and say he wasted your time, his time and the company's time
  • 1
    @azous Problem is the project is already in shambles up and down, back and forth. Team morale is not at its peak and we can't afford the risk of having a schism like that open up.
  • 2
    I always tell people this but if a dev writes code that can fail or lead to security issues you should make it fail and show every single issue the code has and prove the dev wrong until he asks you to proceed with your idea. This is a way to gain respect and prove your understanding and probable superiority in such aspect, even if it's a boss or partner, he/she should understand the worth of that
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