

So I just started working at the beginning of January and I have no fucking clue about anything especially Web development.
But now I have a week to figure out how in the world I am going set up a workflow for some secretaries so that the higher ups get a printed coupon with a password on it, so they can log into our WLAN via a captive portal that I also need to set up.
I am thinking about a website that takes a list of names and settings (probably excel or smt) passes them to the WiFi management softwares API and then generates some PDF file for download that just needs to get printed.
Did I mention that I have no Dev tools (I have notepad, yeah the one without ++), no test environment, no prior experience and no clue how to do it?
But somehow I love this challenge and am glad that my colleagues don't send me to get coffee but let me work.
Am I insane?

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    Now you like it. In 2 weeks you will hate it.. and in 1 year youll look back at it and realized that youve learned a fuckload doing it.

    Getting thrown in the deep end, given you have more devs around to help you out, really worked for me. Good luck and keep us posted!
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    Were you involved in the brief/spec? Sometimes its easier to ask why and what they want to achieve and you can then cone up with suggestions about how. Because what they want to achieve (a printed document with a password) sounds like a really shitty end goal.
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    @helloworld the specs comming from them were along the lines of "we want a secure (meaning 2 factor) WiFi without much of a hassle and without any kind of personal data being stored. Oh and it should scale for up to 200 users and giving access rights should be a piece of cake, meaning the secretaries need to be able to quickly get anyone online, if they deem him worthy."
    And from this I came to the initial "design" described in the original post.
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    @kerrermanisNL @helloworld @Grom come take a look @ HTTPS://sec-coup-vringar.c9users.io
    And if you want to see how I fixed it together
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