
I fukin hate App reviews in Apple Store :/ My app, basic cordova webview and Onesignal push, was rejected again! For fifth time! Now for IPv6 in-compatibility.

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    Are they asking for ipv6? Since when? Im not a iOS Dev btw...
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    @javierojeda yes they are. Since Jan 2016 i guess
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    Apple has required IPv6 since January yes, however, Apple announced this requirement in June of 2015.

    However, if a developer uses CFNetwork and/or NSURLSession APIs, those APIs are compatible with both IPv4 and IPv6. The requirement of IPv6 has been a guideline for App Store review since then. Plenty of time to work with getting IPv6 IP Addresses and the Codebase up to speed on supporting IPv6.

    On another note, Apple's requirement of ATS in the proper manner actually got delayed that was slated to take effect this month. ATS is the App Transport Security, which prevents unsecured connections. Though a lot of developers just simply bypassed ATS by choosing the option to "Allow Arbitrary loads". Which completely defeats the purpose of ensuring secure connections. Though I don't think ATS should be so strictly enforced, so as the dev has a legit reason.
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