
What's your favorite terminal font? I'm on the lookout. I've gone through Ubuntu mono, fira code and fira mono, and I'm currently on jetbrains mono. They're all lovely, but I know there's a universe of fonts out there, and I'd like to know what others are using.

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    I'm already satisfied with what makes "I"/"l" and "O"/"0" look distinct. I use JetBrains Mono in code editors and wouldn't mind if everything reminiscent to codes had this font. But you may see the variety of such fonts on your system as an advantage, to differentiate between several contexts in faster manner.
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    I've tried three or four fonts and so far my choice is Source Code Pro for the terminal with a lot of contrast and Droid Sans Mono for text editors with a nicer color scheme.
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    Never went past firacode.
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    As a graphic designer I like font ligatures. So here are some coding fonts. Hasklig for example.

    Fira is distictive but i find it unpleasant with it's sharp edges on the glyphs.
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    Try out Input Mono if you haven't. The only downside is that it doesn't have ligatures. If you end up liking it and you insist on having ligatures, there was a tool called Ligaturizer that allowed the base from one font to be combined with ligatures from another. Check out IBM Plex Mono too.
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    The default one lol, I don't even know its name.
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    Fantasque Sans Mono
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    Jetbrains monospace is nice.
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    Also using FiraCode, since I switched to ligatures I can't go back.
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    I went through JetBrains mono, Inconsolata and stopped on FiraCode NF, for additional symbols it has built in. Try fonts from NerdFonts project, they are good for coding and terminals.
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    I wonder why that site adds additional blur to the example images by scaling them up. They are pretty blurry at 1:1 scale already (whoever shot that screens has set font smoothing waaaay too high). Can't see whether i would like one of that fonts because of the blur.

    I am using JetBrains Mono (good) and Liberation Sans Mono (okay) right now.
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    Fira code retina
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    Personally I use Fira Mono/Code, but the patched Nerd Font version so I can have fancy icons in the terminal with for example exa.

    Inconsolata is also a nice choice I would say. That also exists as a nerd font
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    @JustThat I feel you - the very same fonts feel way different on macOS than they do on Windows and Linux... or at least that was the case some years ago when I last had to touch macOS.
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