Cleaned up my email and deleted 45k emails and unsubscribed from ~80+ services and added ~100+ filters to sort and auto-delete new emails. Now I have no unread messages.

  • 9
    That seems extremely satisfying
  • 3
    Why... Why did you hit every subscribe button? XD
  • 6
    @IntrusionCM haha, this was my first email, I used to sign up to way too many websites when I was a kid. Karma :P
  • 4
    How long did that all take?
  • 3
    I see you have time...
  • 3
    Reading this felt like watching porn. I envy you.
  • 1
    And that's how one welcomes a New Year
  • 7
    @IAmNotARobot I think effectively 5 hours in total but, spread across 3 days because my eyes and head started to hurt after an hour and a half of doing this.
  • 1
    @Lyubo well 1st Jan was Friday, felt like a good way to spend the long weekend from Thursday night.
  • 2
    How long before your empty inbox makes you feel lonely?
  • 2
    wow, I need to do this too! I bet it's more peaceful now
  • 0
    I wish I could see a list of what I’m subscribed to on my gmail account and then uncheck everything I didn’t want anymore :(. But that would be too easy of course. I always feel bad for a few seconds when I see my mailbox and the silly environmental impact my thousands of mails sitting there must have. I do move on quite quickly though, not going to be an hypocrite.

    Somehow, I do remember a website that did just that, offering to send a very formal email asking the company to delete all your info. I can’t remember the name though.
  • 2
    I need to do this; seeing over 2K unread messages bothers the fuck out of me.
  • 0
    @T33th someone suggested unroll.me to do something similar, didn't try it personally
  • 0
    @thekaleidoscope unfortunately unavailable for the EU :( but thanks!
  • 3
    Unroll.me is unavailable for good reason. They harvest all of the emails they remove subscriptions for and sell the analytics data back to third parties.

    It violates GDPR, pretty blatantly.
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