Tabs at the top on mobile with no swiping between them. OK, @dfox, I'll just use my 6" thumb to reach them...

  • 3
    Yeah, that's simply an Android design pattern, having them at the top. I don't get it either to be honest. As for swiping, we may add it in the future, but really doesn't help much when you want to go multiple tabs IMO.
  • 5
    Bottom navigation bar is part of Material Design too, so you could move and that's fine!
  • 4
    @Eariel I wasn't aware of that. There's a good chance we might move them since that seems to be the case.
  • 4
    You're the one with a phone too big for your hands. Just saying.
  • 4
    Unless there's any compelling reasons not to, we decided we'll be moving the tab bar to the bottom on Android later (as it is on iOS).

    It seems like that's a pattern too now on Android, ex. instagram and Google Photos.
  • 0
    @starless You're right, the user should customize himself and his hardware to the software, not the other way around. Silly me and everything I've learned about UX
  • 3
    @jlave215 you bought a hardware device that you can't fully utilize and are literally asking the software to account for your mistake. It's like asking a compiler to use # in place of ~ because you can't write a deletion function without moving your hand over a little.

    You must see that this is a little silly.
  • 0
    @starless Consider what you're arguing about, then take note at the thoughtfulness and responsiveness of dfox above. Maybe you'll learn how to make a successful piece of software. Best of luck in your future user-blaming dev career. 😙
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